Whitney on set of the video for "No Woman"

Whitney – Light Upon the Lake – Album Review

This post is a little late in relation to the release date of this album (June, 3rd 2016) but for the last 4 months I can’t escape the grasp this LP has on me, and just felt the need to release some of the positive energy I absorbed from it. This is Whitney’s debut album although members Max Kakacek and Julien Ehrlich (former Smith Westerns guitarist and former Unknown Mortal Orchestra drummer respectively) have been showcasing their skills for some time. I can’t even remember how I discovered this band but it was probably in the way music seems to be discovered these days – YouTube black hole, Spotify vortex, etc. Typically when you Shazam a song or write it down (notepad app on your phone if you forgot the art of penmanship) and revisit it later, you delve into further offerings by the band hoping they are the next obsession (ie. The National, Future Islands, Car Seat Headrest). More often than not though, that song just becomes a cog on one of your many playlists; no downloads, no new shows to follow. Light Upon the Lake was different. Each song I listened to I liked as much or if not more than the previous. I’m not sure if the rarity of fully likeable album is as rare as I perceive it to be or if albums feeling watered down is a result of the most over-saturated industry we’ve ever seen. Either way, Whitney shines through. Listening to this album has the feeling of something nostalgic. As each song compliments the next I have the feeling I had when I used to listen to albums cover to cover, knowing the aspects of it like it were one giant composition. The album plays as a complete soundtrack for a very specific but unexplainable feel.
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